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Easton Pentecostal Church

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Easton Pentecostal church offers everyone a place of worship and ministry. You will find a loving church family waiting to get to know you.


Easton Pentecostal Church can be found at the following address:

67 Bangor Rd

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Easton Pentecostal Church:

(207) 488-8035

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5.0/5.0 (3 vote(s))

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Just a quick reminder that we have created a new page - check it out and 'Like' it, and have a great evening!


And here it is! The new page is up and live! Here's the link:


Important update! As Easton Pentecostal Church has entered into a new chapter, we felt it was time to create a new page as we move forward. We will be sharing the link on here periodically - please check it out and like the new page to continue to support us and stay up to date. Thank you, and we appreciate each and every one of you!


Peter's on the Water! Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus sends the disciples onto a boat to travel, and He went off alone and prayed. While they were out in the sea, this storm of sorts rolls in. The waves were getting rough and choppy - wind was picking up...I don't see that it says the disciples' reactions, but I imagine they were a little unsettled. Then - to make things more uncomfortable, they see in the distance a figure walking toward them. They were afraid, figuring it was a ghost (what else could possibly explain something walking on the water towards them?) - so they go from being on these rough waters to seeing a "ghost" - these guys were probably stressed and freaked out. In verse 26 they basically cry out in fear and exclaim that it's a ghost - only to hear Jesus' voice tell them "guys! Relax, it's me! It's all good!" ... Well, basically... So now the disciples needed some more proof - a test to make sure it wasn't some ghost pretending to be Jesus ..(perhaps to lure them to the ocean floor?), So Peter asks Jesus to call him out on to the waves if it really was him... Now Jesus, showing proof of his enduring patience, did just what Peter asked as proof...I mean, these guys have seen Him do A LOT of miraculous things already...ok, fine ... Peter - come out of the boat. Out of your comfort zone, where you're trying to seek shelter from this storm we're in - and step out on to these crashing, rolling waves with me. I got you. (Ok, He didn't say quite all that, but still...) So Peter steps out.. This shows his faith and trust in Jesus. This had to be a big step. I mean, stepping out on to calm water might be one thing - but to step out of your boat, where you're supposed to be as safe as you can get in that predicament, and onto stormy waves and wind ... Now. Peter did great there, until something happens and he begins to sink. Nope, Jesus didnt let go - didn't lose his grip on Peter ... Didn't say oh this only works on me, sorry ! what happened? Why does Peter start to sink and begin to be over taken by the waves ? His focus shifted. Verse 30 - Peter shifts his focus from Jesus and how He is sustaining him in the middle of a the storm itself. At that exact moment he begins to sink - and next thing he knows he's beginning to plundge into the cold raging sea. He allowed his focus and attention to shift from Jesus - to his problems. To the situation that was overwhelming him, causing him to be scared and stressed. Realizing he was falling (which, this had to have happened fast - imagine trying to stand on water..not quicksand by any means) - he cries out "Lord, save me!" ... Trusting his life in Jesus' hands . Verse 31 - Jesus *immediately* reached out and catches him, and asks why he doubted. They make their way back to the boat, and the storm just stops. Now all of that to say many times do we find ourselves in some sort of situation(s) that stir up fear, anxiety, stress, and all those fun feelings... And allow ourselves to focus on the "storm" raging around us? Causing us to sink in them, and potentially even drown in them? We can learn from this to do what we can to keep our focus on Jesus , no matter what kind of storm we find ourselves in - whatever is wearing us down, scaring us, stressing us out - He's got us. The end of this tells us they went back to the boat. I picture Jesus, leading / helping Peter back to the boat...Peter by now I think may have been a little wet and shaken...and when they get to the boat, the storm stops. I can't help but think that Jesus also lead Peter back to the boat - and out of the storm, the event causing him fear, stress, and anxiety and all that. How true is that for us? We find ourselves in situations that overwhelm us, but He's right there. If we can shift our focus off what is bothering us and put our faith in Him, that He'll keep us afloat, we'll be alright and He'll get us through it - somehow or another.


Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the Wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11 Belt - truth, faithful, integrity, honest Breastplate - righteous(morally right) Shoes - Gospel is a foundation on which we stand and we must be ready to go out and spread or defend the Gospel Shield - our faith helps us defend against the enemy Helmet - our salvation protects our minds and we appear greater to our enemy Sword - the Bible is used at certain times in certain circumstances A soldier is always watchful and prepared...therefore...we are the army of God and we must always be watchful and prepared


Why? Why do you go to church? Seriously, why do you go to every church every Sunday? Or maybe even 2 times on Sunday and on Wednesdays too? Do you go because as Christians that's what we are supposed to do? Or do you go because of the music, or the pastor and or preaching, or what about the people? Do you go to find out the latest gossip or go because they serve great food at gatherings? Honestly, what is your why? Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about why I really go to church! Not just my church, but a church in general. I mean I grew up with 2 wonderful Christian parents so all my life I was taught you go to church on Sundays. Now that I have my own family and am an adult(dude when did that happen?) I have really been thinking about why I go to church every Sunday. Do I go because it's what I am supposed to do? I did I come to realize that it is actually not the reason I go. Suprised me a little to be honest. Do I go because of the music and my husband is the worship leader? Nope (sorry honey) the music is great and all and I love worshiping with my fellow Christians, but it's not why I go. I don't go for the pastor or whoever is preaching any particular Sunday, even though I enjoy the preachings of everyone. I defiantly don't go to find out the latest gossip even though I could if I wanted to. And even the food is always super yummy and everyone is a great cook at EPC I don't go for the food. Honestly, the reason I go to church is that I enjoy it! I love getting up on Sunday mornings even though those seem to be the days when everything goes wrong and knowing that I get to go to church helps. I love being able to see everybody lifting their voices and raising their hands in one accord worshiping our creator. I love the feeling and being in God's presence. I love how close I feel to Him being in His house. That's why I go to church? Now I ask you again...what is your why?


Pastor Merritt no longer has to take the cancer meds! As of right now no cancer is showing up in his blood! He will have to continue the iv-ig to build his immune system but she is very happy that he is in a substantial remission! Thank you for all those who prayed for our Pastor and praise God for answering our prayers!!!!!!


Where is your focus? I realize this could be asked about anything, but I am talking about church. When you are church what are you focused on? Now, I really want you to think about this for a moment... When you are in a church pew sitting or standing at church, where does your focus really lay? Are you focused on what so and so is wearing? "they really shouldn't be wearing that at church, let alone the platform!" Are you focused on the number of tattoos that someone has? "I cannot believe they got another tattoo, they are supposed to be a Christian." Are you distracted by how loudly someone's kids are during worship or even while the Pastor is preaching? "I cannot believe how loud and unruly those children are, those parents should learn to control their kids." Is it on the One reason why we should be going to church? "Welcome Holy Spirit! We are in Your presence!" Honestly, where is your focus? I know where our focus should be. do you? When we are too worried about what other people are doing or wearing we miss out on what God could be doing! I dunno about you, but I do not want to miss out on what God has for me!!! If I am too focused on what is around me, It distracts me from what God wants to tell me. I want God to move in my life and EPC and I want to grow, I want my kids to grow up in a church who see that the main focus is God. I don't want them to overhear hurtful things that people are saying because someone is upset about someone else. I want them to see real growth and to feel the spirit move like I did when I was a child. Also when we lose our focus, it gives the enemy a chance to come in and destroy. After all, any time our hearts and heads are not where they should be it gives the enemy cause to mess around. 1 Peter 5:8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” Just as a gymnast has to focus on the sound of their coaches voice while training so that something really bad doesn't happen, so do we with God. He wants to guide us and help us, but how can we do that when we lose our focus? So this week, focus on God and allow Him to speak to you!!!!!


What are you doing tomorrow night? Me? Going to evening service with our guest speaker, Jason Rooney followed by fellowship and pulled pork sandwiches. We are looking for someone to bring hamburger buns! Hope to see ya there!!!


If God can save Noah and His family from the great flood, why can't He save you from drowning in your sorrows? (Genesis 6:9-8:22) If God can give Abraham and Sarah a son in their old age, why can't He give you a child? (Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7) If God can use Joseph to save his family, why can't He use you to save yours? (Genesis 37-45) If God can deliver the Israelites from bondage to the promised land, why can't He deliver you from your bondage? (Exodus 1-12:42) If God can bring down the walls of Jericho with a shout, why can't He bring down the walls in your life? (Joshua 6) If God can give Gideon signs with a fleece of wool, why can't He give you the sign you need? (Judges 6:36-40) If God can forgive Samson for his disobedience, why can't God forgive you for yours? (Judges 13-16) If God can use a shepherd boy to defeat a giant, why can't He defeat your giants? ( 1 Samuel 17) If God can give Solomon wisdom during his reign as king, why can't He give you wisdom for your circumstance? (1 Kings 3) If God can give Job back even more than what he lost, why can't He give you back what you have lost? (Book of Job) 2 Words HE CAN!!!!!!!! Now let me ask one more question... If God can give His one and only Son to die for us, why can't we give ourselves to others? (John 3:16 - 17, John 15:12)


The saying seems to go "when the Pastor is away the church will play." Well, I am here to say that just because our Pastors will not be there Sunday it's not an excuse to miss church. We will be having two guest speakers for both services. Sunday morning will be Claudette Babin from the Celebration Center in Fort Fairfield and in the evening service, we would like to welcome back hometown man Jason Rooney. We invite you to come out and hear these 2 wonderful people on Sunday, June 24 at 10:30 for morning service and 6:00 for the evening service. As always we will be having fellowship following our evening speaker. Please don't use this as an excuse to miss church, Who knows what you could be missing!!! Hope to see you there.


Calling all local ladies 18 and up who do not belong to another church. Tonight we are have our first Women of Worth meeting away from the internet. Until today I have always been just posting in my group, but we have finally made this a reality. It is a chance for women to uplift and encourage each other as well as get to know one another. There will be food, games, and I am sure lot's of laugh. Make the men watch the kids and come out. If you need a ride, please let me know. I will be leaving my house around 5:30ish. Please come out and join us. :)


As this is Memorial Weekend ,please take time to remember the real reason for this day. Yes it's a great time to be with family but it is also to remember all those who have given their lives for our country. What better way to remember the one who gave up His life for the world than to be in church on Sunday. Need a place to go, join us for morning service at 1030 am. We would be glad to have you. Have a great weekend, and hope to see new and old faces Sunday Morning.


DISTRACTIONS!!!!! They are everywhere. Our kids distract us. Our family and friends distract us. Electronics distract us. Media distracts us. Distractions aren't always bad, sometimes it's good when our family and friends distract us. When it's bad is when it distracts us from what we need to do and especially when it distracts us from God. Lately, I Marisa May Borden, have allowed electronics and media distract me not only from God but also from my family, mainly my kids. I am not gonna lie...I love tv. It helps make daily chores not be so boring. But lately, I have noticed what all the television and even my phone have been doing to me. They have been making me an angry parent. It's even happening right now as I try to write this. I get so focused on the wrong things that when I get disturbed it makes me mad. Then I feel this overwhelming guilt that never should have happened in the first place. Why am I saying all this? Simple, I am real. I make mistakes and have allowed the wrong distractions in my life. That being said this past Monday I stopped watching tv while I cleaned and started listening to Christian music. It has not only changed me from an angry mom but has also helped with the mood in my house. Right now I got good old fashion Carman going and I am actually enjoying cleaning. I want to raise Godly children and it starts with me. 1 John 2:15 is perfect for this post and even in my life. I have been filling my mind with things that don't always promote love and therefore I haven't been showing that love to others. So my question to you is this...have you been letting things distract you from the Lord or even church? Have you noticed that you aren't the same person you once were? Well, first, I invite you to come back to church and join us Sunday morning at 10:30 am at Easton Pentecostal Church. Second, right where you are, ask God to forgive you for allowing the wrong things to distract you. Third, change it. Whatever is allowing you to be distracted, change it. Get rid of it, whatever you have to do to get back on track. He is waiting for you with His arms wide open. Run to Him. You are never too far to come back to Him.


Why are you still walking around like you are defeated? Why are you walking around like you are in chains? Do you not understand the power of Jesus' name? All you have to do is cry out to Him and He will hear you! You don't have to be bound any more! You don't have to be defeated any more! You can walk around with your head held high! You have the power...well you have the power through Jesus' name!! This song is such a powerful song. I dare you to listen or watch this video and not feel the power. Allow this video to get into your spirit and allow it to set you free. You don't have to be in a church to be free. It doesn't have to be at a Camp meeting. It can be right now in your living room or bedroom. It can be while you are in the car. The power of Jesus is so strong it can set you free with one word "Jesus!" This one word is more powerful than the sick child, that unsaved loved one, than unemployment, than those chains you carry each day. It doesn't have to be this great big prayer. Just one name...that's it!!!! The other awesome part of this song is "There is an army rising up" People are you seeing what is going on in the world? Are you seeing all the sickness, sadness, and sin...guess what? Change is coming!!!! It's coming in our homes, our churches, our jobs, our hearts. There is an army rising up and the enemy knows it. He is scared out of his mind and he is doing everything he can to stop us. But the army is rising and we are getting ready for battle. Ephesians 6:10-18 is now more important than ever. As the enemy gets stronger so do we. Let this song be the anthem for the Church. Not just EPC but all the churches. If you no longer attend EPC or have your own church share this video on your church page or even your own page and let's get that army ready. Let's fill up Facebook with God's power!!!! I am telling you I feel it so strong in my bones and spirit right now that it is time. It's time to stop being defeated and bound and BE FREE!!!!!!!!! One word, just one word has so much power!


What has happened to our churches? Why are we so focused on everybody else when the real problem is with ourselves? We focus so much on what other people act like, dress like, look like, talk like...that we allow it to affect us. I got news for you...CHURCH IS NOT ABOUT THAT!!! Church is supposed to a family. We are supposed to love and support each other no matter what. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 talks about how we are the body of Christ. That goes for not just one church, but all the churches as a whole. We are supposed to all work together. We are all supposed to lift each other up and not tear each other apart. We need to remember that when we point our fingers there are 3 more pointing back at ourselves.(I wonder how many people just pointed right there :) haha) Do you think that is a coincidence? I don't think so. I think that it is like that on purpose so that when we are pointing we are made to really think ,are we pointing at the right person or church? When we allow the enemy to put our focus on the wrong things it hurts our worship. We feel that we can't worship cause the worship team are wearing the wrong clothes, or the music isn't right. Are you worshiping God or are you worshiping the music? Please be kind to one another. Please don't put each other down. Please remember that God wants us to love another and be there for another. It doesn't matter what church we attend. It doesn't matter what religion we are. All that matters is how we treat each other. We are ALL the body of Christ.


Have you ever said something that was straight from the heart, but it was misinterpreted? Well, that has happened to me this past week. I need to apologize for one of my recent posts. I said some things that were not taken the way I had intended. I never meant to misrepresent Easton Pentecostal Church in any way. I am so deeply sorry for what was said and I never meant to hurt or make anyone upset. I was honestly just trying to inspire and uplift my church, because we have been through so much. So please, if I have hurt my church and my church family in anyway, please know how sorry I truly am. My heart breaks, knowing what I meant for good was taken as bad. The post has been deleted and I hope no bad things will come from it. Please forgive me and please don't let what was said affect how you see Easton Pentecostal Church. I am so deeply sorry, Marisa May Borden


Hey you! Yes, you! Are you sitting down messing on your phone or computer and trying to figure out what to do tonight? Well, then why not come out to EPC at 6:00pm. We still believe in having church at night. And after our service is over we don't all rush away to get back to our homes...we stay and eat yummy food and hang out. Our church is truly a family and we would like to invite you to hang out with ours. If you feel bad about coming without out bringing anything, don't worry. We have plenty of food and if you still want to bring something we are just doing simple finger foods. So come on out for worship, preaching, food, fellowship and fun.


Here you can find pictures from Easton Pentecostal Church:

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